Friday, July 22, 2011

Last couple of weeks

Well I am ending week 6 here in Kenya! It has been quite the trip. We took our first language test and I got novice high which is one step to where I need to be. They said this was a great place to be and if I work hard I will for sure get to intermediate low which is what I have to pass language and not get sent back to the US! After the test we then went to Teveta for a HIV/AIDS workshop where we learned a small amount of info on HIV, had great food (they even had a grill!), and got to drink quite a bit. The hotel had showers- hot water! The only bad thing is that I got bug bites all over my legs and they were really bad and swollen. They are much better now. After Teveta we went to do site visits. I went to visit Nick Chen who lives in the coastal region, however not on the coast at all. He lives in a little village with no electricity with not much around him. We had to stay in a tent in his extra room because there were so many bugs. This was all worth it because I got to swim in the Indian ocean- amazing. I even have some tan lines. We also got really good pizza and ice cream! We had a good time with Nick and I am really excited to get to my site and get started really being a volunteer. Just have to get through this language stuff first. Also got my first package from Ashley - thank you. Everything was perfect! Well hope all is well- oh PS going to be an aunt again!!! It's a boy.

Love and Miss ya all,